When in Germany we really had no idea where we were headed next. Our travel plans were totally up in the air and we were having the hardest time making a decision and figuring flights out. Europe kind of overwhelms me because of how many amazing places there are! I asked on Instagram for Europe recommendations and you guys gave us such awesome feedback. A ton of you said to go to Portugal, and after lots of research, that is where we decided to head!

We flew into Lisbon and that is where we stayed for the first half of our trip. I really loved Lisbon! It is such a fun city and the buildings all have the prettiest tile-it is just so photogenic everywhere you look. This was also the first time during all our travels that I had yummy vegan food which was amazing. Healthy food is such a huge part of traveling to me! It felt like in Europe up until this point, all I was eating was bread/pasta and occasionally fruit. I really felt I was lacking energy, so the food here was definitely a breath of fresh air. (Our fav place was a cute café called Nicolau!)

We rented a car in Lisbon which I think was a good idea (besides getting a boot on it and having to call a company/pay to get it off)...The streets are fairly easy to drive on and parking was never too much of an issue. It is also nice to be able to drive to other cities at your own leisure. We took an afternoon to drive to Sintra and visit Pena Palace (a really colorful castle). It was so awesome! Definitely like nothing I have ever seen.

After Lisbon, we headed to Lagos which I looooved. We went to Praia Do Camilo which was one of the coolest beaches I have ever seen. The views were seriously amazing! 

We vlogged most of the trip, so if you want to see the behind the scenes of these photos and more fun stuff-you can watch it here! 

All photos edited with #jacimariepresets-available for purchase here!

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