I decided that once a month I want to do an iPhone round up on my blog! I take lots of iPhone pics that never make it to my Instagram ;) but I still want to have them posted somewhere with my thoughts! I know everyone and their mom has a blog these days, but it is something that I genuinely enjoy updating. I'm really not too worried about how many people care about these posts, I just want to have everything documented! I am pretty bad at writing in my journal so my blog is kind of my version of one! 

I know June isn't over, but this month has been really eventful already so I am going to start my June post now!

Our month got off to a pretty crazy start. As most of you know (if you follow me on Insta), Leif was having really bad chest pain one night so we took him to the ER. They ran some blood tests and found that his Troponin level was much too high especially for someone so young. (Troponin is an enzyme that gets released when your heart is under attack). He was admitted to the ICU and we spent three days in the hospital getting tests done and he even had an angiogram done (a little procedure, where they stick a catheter through an artery and inject dye so they can visualize the heart better). Luckily, everything came back normal and they came to the conclusion that he had an infection that spread to his heart and led to some inflammation. Still scary but could have been SO much worse! Leif had cancer (leukemia) when he was a little kid, so any kind of health problems with him scare me so bad!! He did not complain ONE time while in the hospital. I don't understand how he is so level headed but I definitely needed that stability during that experience! I know I have said thank you a million times, but seriously I am so grateful to everyone who commented + messaged me that they were sending prayers and love to us. I felt it all and am so lucky to have you guys and your support. THANK YOU!!!!!

Leif got out of the hospital on Thursday, and we had a wedding booked in Italy that we were supposed to leave for on Saturday. I thought for sure we would have to cancel it, but the cardiologist cleared him to go as long as he took it easy + didn't lift anything heavy. We were really surprised! He was feeling really good at that point so we decided we would go.

We headed off to Italy on Saturday night. I'm sure we looked pretty funny at the airport cause I was hauling all the heavy stuff and all Leif had on was a small backpack. This whole thing has made me realize how much he does for me! I need to start lifting more heavy stuff ;)

Italy was a whirlwind. We stayed in Rome for a night, then headed to Tuscany (where the wedding was). It was so incredibly beautiful there! I wish we would have had more time to explore, but since it was a work trip we didn't have a ton of free time! We will DEFINITELY go back to Italy. I'm not sure when but hopefully this year sometime. If you want to watch our Italy Vlog, click here.

After Italy we came back to California for a few days, then headed to Arizona to shoot a really pretty desert elopement. They were such a great couple and at the end of the night the bride + groom, and all the wedding guests jumped in the water with all their clothes on. It was the best!! I'm so excited to get the video done and show you guys! When it is done, we will post it to our Film Youtube Channel so subscribe if ya wanna follow along. :)

I think there is a misconception that we travel/relax all the time but really the traveling we do is pretty exhausting especially because most of the time it is work related. I am not complaining AT ALL because I love my job more than life but I just want people to know it isn't this carefree, easy thing. It is hard work, but it is so worth it! I have soooo many thoughts on that subject that I will probably share in another blog post or Youtube video. 

We are back in California now and have a lot of editing to catch up on! Leif is finishing up on a wedding video right now and I just got done unpacking our stuff and editing a photo for a brand collab I just did! Anyone else normally not unpack their suitcase for weeks after they go on a trip?? That is normally me, but our past two trips we have unpacked the day we got home and that is honestly such an accomplishment. haha 

My friend Zoe was in town this past weekend so we all got together and had lots of fun! I love living in California because people are always visiting and it's the best. We rode SoulCycle for the first time which I loved!! Such a fun, good workout. And we also ate lots of good food. I went Vegan a little over a month ago and honestly have been loving it! I'm just giving it a try and seeing how I feel but so far so good. I think something people don't realize is that there are SO many vegan options out there. Every time I go to eat with my friends I can always find something. I have a bunch of thoughts about this too which I will probably need to separate to a different blog post but I think I'll wait until I have a little more experience being Vegan before I preach about it. ;) If you guys are interested though, you should follow my friend Chelsey on Instagram! She just started this health page with some awesome info + advice. She has been vegan for over 3 years and has inspired me a ton!! 

Hope you enjoy these iPhone pics! They were all edited using my iPhone workshop tips. xo

Can we talk about how pretty the Rome airport bathroom is?!?!

The groom took this picture of us when we weren't looking. :') I love that it is genuinely candid! Also, #twinbuns.

My favorite breakfast!! ^

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