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A few days ago, Leif and I got some pizza + soda and headed to Malibu for a little sunset picnic! This particular beach is called El Matador and is one of the prettiest beaches in SoCal in my opinion! Grabbing food to go and watching the sunset is one of my absolute favorite things to do for a date night because it is so cheap and easy. We also brought our film camera and our Super 8 Camera to test out. If you saw our Christmas vlog, you saw the new camera I got Leif! We have used it a few times and can't wait to get the film back.

Not to be negative, just being honest, but my life has felt a little chaotic lately. Even though we haven't been traveling, it feels like there is always so much to do and never enough time. I am beginning to realize it is OKAY to have slow days, or days where I don't check every single thing off my to do list. I want to live more presently and not always be worried about what I need to get done next. I am kind of bummed that I have started off the year feeling this way. I wanted to be so motivated and productive but I have felt anxious and overwhelmed for the past week or two. I am vowing right now to get more organized so that I can be more time effective + also cut myself some slack. 

I am writing an online book right now, (which I am SO excited about). It has kind of taken over, so I haven't had a ton of time to shoot photos and vlogs. Once it is done and I launch it, Leif and I are going to go on a fun trip to celebrate and then we will get back into the swing of shooting, and updating our Youtube Channel, etc. I seriously cannot wait to launch it and for you guys to read it!! I am really happy with how it is turning out. :)



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