This weekend one of my good friends Zoe came to visit. It was so fun to see her and hang out with everyone! We spent the weekend mostly shopping and eating-basically my two favorite activities. We also took a Sunday drive down the coast and watched the sunset in Malibu. Being near the ocean makes me so happy-I feel so lucky to live in California! 

One of the nights, me, Leif, Zoe and Tyson went to Shake Shack around 6:30 PM and didn't end up leaving until almost midnight. We looked at the time and were shocked at how long we had been sitting there talking! We had so much fun catching up!

Another night, we all went to this yummy Latin restaurant near our apartment then came back to our place and played What do you Meme. It is a game from Urban Outfitters. I am actually going to link it at the bottom of this post because it is SO FUN! It is essentially Apples to Apples but with a funny meme/picture and everyone picks from their caption cards, and the person with the funniest caption that fits with the pic wins! It is more geared toward millennials. ;) But if you are looking for a new game, I would definitely try it out! 

This weekend Leif and I also got the most orange spray tans on accident. I am a huge spray tan advocate-I am probably the pastiest person on the planet so I feel so great after getting tans! We normally go to a certain place where the people actually spray you themselves (I can not do the booths-I end up looking like an oompa loompa). But the place we go to is closed on Mondays, so we decided to go to a new place that had good reviews on Yelp. I don't know what happened but the next day we were both SO dark and SO orange. I spent like 20 minutes scrubbing my face super hard and it ended up being fine-but lesson learned!!! We are sticking to the place we like!

Also, yesterday my new friend Taylor did my hair/makeup for the day! I absolutely love getting my makeup done. I don't wear a ton normally, so it always makes me feel like a new person! haha 

The shirt in the last two photos is from LF-it's actually Tyson's but sometimes he lets me borrow his clothes. ;) My jewelry is from Azil BoutiqueI seriously LOVE dainty jewelry so these pieces are my new favorites. I have gotten so many compliments on them! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 

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